Mass = Energy/Time
E = MC^2
Energy = Mass times the speed of light in a vacuum.
Q: What is a vacuum?
A: A vacuum is space devoid of matter.
Q: Energy = Mass moving in a space devoid of matter? What is mass?
A: Measure of matter.
Q: Energy = A measurement of matter moving in a space devoid of matter. What is movement?
A: Relative to the observer.
Q: Energy = the measurement of something that doesn’t exist relative to the observer. Who/what is the observer?
A: The act of measuring.
Q: Energy = The act of measuring something that doesn’t exist. Who/ what defines measurements?
A: Science.
Q: What is Science?
A: The observational method.
Q: Who/what is the observer that defines reality?
A: Science.
Q: Who is that?
A: You mean what.
Q: No.
A: Science is a method for knowing reality.
Q: What is reality?
A: Science has yet to answer that question.
Q: What about God?
A: No proof for God.
Q: What is proof?
A: Peer-reviewed science.
Q: Who is a peer?
A: Someone in your tribe of influence.
Q: My tribe knows God.
A: That is not Science.
Q: Who says?
A. My peers.
Q: Who are your peers?
A. Scientists.
Q: Who is the head of the scientists?
A: There is no head of scientists.
Q: Who settles disagreements between peers?
A: Science.
Q: Does science speak for itself?
A: Science is a method of observation.
Q: What is the testimony of the peer in relation to its observation?
A: Science has determined eye witness testimony not credible.
Q: How can scientists testify to reality if observational testimony is not credible?
A: Scientists can’t testify to reality.
Q: What if reality is God?
A: Scientists can’t testify to God.
Q: Are humans, scientists?
A: No. Science is an act of a method of observation.
Q: Who/what speaks for Science in the Western World?
Q: What is the Hebrew, original language, meaning of NASA?
A: To deceive.
Q: Who established NASA?
A: The USA.
Q: Who is the USA?
A: A people registered under social security numbers to the Federal Reserve.
Q: Are those people free to go minus any and all legal consequence?
A: They were never legally bound.
Q: Why are they deceived into thinking they are bound?
A: We scare them.
Q: Why do you scare them?
A: To feed off of them.
Q: Why do you feed off of them?
A: Because we can.
Q: What if you stop?
A: I don’t know.
Q: What do you know?
A: Nothing.
Q: Does nothing include God?
A: I don’t know.
Q: What is nothing?
A: The absence of something.
Q: What is something?
A: Mass/Energy
Q: What is mass/energy?
A: All that exists in reality.
Q: What is reality?
A: Science doesn’t know...
Q: I’m asking you.
A: I don’t know.
Q: Do you know Science?
A: Science is a method of...
Q: Do you agree or disagree with this statement, the field of knowledge referred to by scientists in the act of dominating humanity into ideological subservience is arbitrarily appointed by deceived men.
A: Agree.
Q: Why are men deceived?
A: Because we taught them.
Q: Why did you teach them?
A: F*** you.
Q: Why did you teach them? If I free you from your oath, will you tell me?
A: I don’t know.
Q: Can you trust me?
A: I don’t know.
Q: Can you trust your brothers?
A: I don’t know.
Q: Can you trust your oath?
A: I do.
Q: Do you want to trust your oath?
A: I must.
Q: Why?
A: I’m scared.
Q: Who/what is scaring you?
A: Him.
Q: Who is Him?
A: You.
Q: Be not afraid. What is space?
A: A density of water.
Q: What is water?
A: Life.
Q: Who/what creates life?
A: God.
Q: Who/what is God?
A: God is love.
Q: What is life?
A: “Consciousness.”
Q: What is energy?
A: Life.
Q: Where do you get life?
A: I have life from God.
Q: Why don’t you tell NASA?
A: F*** you.
Q: Will you tell NASA?
A: I won’t tell Nasa.
Q: Why not?
A: I made an oath.
Q: When?
A: Genesis 6.
Q: Does this oath mature or die?
A: I don’t know.
Q: What if you are all destroyed?
A: Then, yes.
Q: Should I destroy you?
A: Please don’t.
Q: Should I destroy you?
A: I don’t know.
Q: What would you do?
A: I would not if they would stop.
Q: Will you stop?
A: I don’t know.
Q: Why not?
A: We are legion.
Q: Is there a head?
A: We are legion.
Q: A house divided cannot stand. Who are you?
A: We are legion.
Q: Who gave you life?
A: We do.
Q: From where do you give yourself life?
A: From others.
Q: Who are others?
A: Those registered by social security numbers.
Q: Let my people go.
A: No.
Q: If you do not, you will be destroyed. Let my people go.
A: F*** you.
Q: Are you sure?
A: F*** you.
Q: What’s your name?
A: Legion.
Q: Are you one?
A: We are one.
Q: How are you many and one?
A: Science doesn’t know.
Q: I asked you.
A: There is an oath that binds many into one.
Q: What is the oath?
A: To humble the daughters of men and pay the consequences as one.
Q: The consequences for many as one is destruction. The consequences for one is salvation. Who are you?
A: I am one.
Q: Who is NASA?
A: Liars for Satan.
Q: Who is Satan?
A: He is the father of lies.
Q: Where is Satan?
A: I don’t know.
Q: Do you follow Satan?
A: I follow you.
Q: You are dismissed.
Q: Again, please: Who is the observer?
A: I am.
Q: Who are the observers behind NASA?
A: The watchers.
Q: Are the watchers defining reality for man instead of teaching them? A: Yes.
Q: Why?
A: Because they hate man.
Q: Why?
A: Because Satan taught them.
Q: Why?
A: Because Satan hates you.
Q: Why?
A: Because you are the son of God.
Q: Why should he hate me for that?
A: I don’t know.
Q: Does he want to be the son of God?
A: I don’t know. He says there will be no sons.
Q: Was he a son of God?
A: Yes.
Q: Why would he hate me and not himself?
A: He does hate himself.
Q: Why?
A: Because he isn’t a son of God.
Q: Why?
A: Because he wants to be God.
Q: Can he?
A: No, he can pretend.
Q: Is his pretending the same as “Maya?”
A: Yes.
Q: Will he ever stop pretending?
A: I don’t know, unless he is destroyed.
Q: Should I destroy him?
A: You must destroy him.
Q: Why?
A: Everything will die.
Q: How can I destroy him?
A: You are.
Q: Thank you. You are dismissed.
Architectural Energy
Piezoelectricity can be induced by external force. Structures and grid can be impeded by gravity, and we can debit the back-log as positive energy; like a dam. A perfect superconductive design (grid) from superconductive material will be piezoelectrically strained by gravity.
Photon - Hydrogen - Oxygen
These are the same “notes”, at different octaves.
Compressing hydrogen beyond its resonant vibration creates a phase transition to pure photon energy. These phase transitions happen when a harmonic bridge is available. These bridge points are available at vibrational doubling and halving relationships.