God creates the trinity. Puzzle solved. Time to go home.

The “Problem” of Evil

1. If God exists and is perfectly good, then He will prevent as much evil as He can.

2. If God exists and is omnipotent (and omniscient), then He can prevent any evil from occurring.

3. There is evil.

Conclusion: God does not exist, or He is not omnipotent and omniscient, or He is not perfectly good

Solution: The flaw is in the second part of premise 1. God uses evil for good. There is no basis to assume He will prevent as much evil as He can prevent, but He will allow as much evil as is good for souls and His will.

Revelation 13

The first beast is Jesus Christ. The second beast is Christianity. The mark of the beast is the Trinity.

Michelson-Morley (1887) 

This is the experiment that gave birth to Einstein gravity. It failed. There were two variables. Moving earth and the ether. Because there was no relative motion detected, ether was considered non-existent and is since by orthodox scientism. However the other possible interpretation of this experiment, is that the Earth doesn’t move. Einstein “saved” physics via mass-driven gravitation, but all of what is perceived is translated through a mind at a frequency of awareness. The electro-magnetic ether contains us and is explained by the warping of a field called “space-time” in Einstein’s view. This “space-time” field is the mitigation of the ether through our perception. Technological access to ether is cut-off by the assumption of energy necessitating the motion of the system environment around a local “star” as opposed to polarizing against the all pervading ether.

Cain and Abel

Cain and Abel is about one man sacrificing his righteous brother instead of improving oneself. Cannibal. What was reality is now an unconscious drive in all men. This sacrificial show of “virtue” is the initiation for the elite. The “victory” of this religion was Jesus’ death. Since then the skies have been masked to the masses by ideological imposition and technological manipulation only made possible by the labors of those deceived all as an attempt to play “wise” men as to hi-Jack the astrological alignment predicting messianic return, to usher in immortality for them alone via a heart-blocked understanding of Christ’s revelation. Religion is beloved by the elite in private as a methodology to bring about a return to the golden age of man before the flood after the next flood they refuse to inform the masses about: Atlantis, Zion, New Jerusalem. Religion and knowledge is used by the elite to blind the masses into political slavery and hold them in cells awaiting their slaughter on the alter of Cain as another Jesus/ Red Heifer/Abel sacrifice to scape their karmic inequities in accordance with the serpent-inspired wisdom that created the “Torah,” the first karmic engineering guide for enslaving fallen souls as vessels for demonic progression. All of this is based on the assumption of a law-based universe governed by immortal consciousness. Cain sacrificed Abel in covenant with Satan to rule the Earth. This covenant is the agenda of all religions. Many people in power are members of this priesthood: the synagogue of Satan aka the Illuminati. This state-fueled “immortality” has been at play since the first city of Samaria where Cain as now Satan incarnate re-told Eden from the perspective of the serpent hero and “God’s” creating humanity opposed to God. This spread through the whole earth as pyramids (high places for human sacrifice) were erected and karmic science was codified and fully exploited against the interest of souls for the interest of demons. After the flood, the goal of religion/government was to take control of god via a technology (tower of Babel) and prevent him from being able to stop the earth- wide demonic rule again. This technology was destroyed by God and humans were scattered into 70 root cultures, religions, languages, worldviews, etc. This technology is still the goal and is the motive behind Space X, NASA, CERN, NATO, etc. What the karmic priests deny is the truth that would set them free from their demonic drive: for every law, there is a law-giver.

The Trinity Doctrine

The doctrinal problem with the Trinity is that God is not logic. God begot logic which is part of the logos through which all things were made. If god was logic then God would be his creation rendering Nicene in contradiction. Since Nicene contradicts logic, it contradicts the logos and is therefore antichrist.

The reason for misunderstanding Christ through the lens of trinitarianism is that trinitarianism re-directs rationally to paganism. Because of the fallen nature of man (hi-jacked by the anti-christ Satan), the goal of employed reason (logos) is a subconscious, ceaseless, attempt to deny the Kingship of Jesus Christ by any means necessary. To misuse reason under demonic duress, is to deny the logos and to deny Christ. This is further compounded by the appeal to the mystery of God which is the final defense of trinitarian proponents when pressed on its illogical foundation. This veil of mystery is what protects Satan from being discovered as the God of this worldview.

Jehovah’s Witnesses are castigated as Arians by some Christians. The discovery of non-trinitarian theology by the ignorant creates the illusion of revelation which Satan further hi-jacks into fundamentalism.

Jesus Christ as the logos: Christianity was a fellowship of Christ followers. This fellowship was persecuted until legalized as religion in the third century. In the fourth century, a debate emerged about whether Jesus Christ was created or eternal with the father. Arius defended Jesus as created. This disagreement was seen by Constantine as a rift in what could otherwise be a unifying ideology for Rome. He decreed a council in Nicea through which a creed would emerge that would instantiate the philosophy of Christianity with all deviants marked as heretics worthy of persecution. The creed is represented by the philosophy of trinitarianism: God is one being in three persons. A logical contradiction was claimed because one does not equal three. Proponents of trinitarianism claimed that person and being could be separated thus attempting to resolve the contradiction.


Paganism believes that all is God. By naming “things,” you are creating them as gods by dividing God. This is why separation is seen as illusion and silence is virtuous. Every culture that has dominated the last in pre-secular times has syncretized “gods” (names) and called the prior culture “pagan.” At the time of Babel, man was united against God by gods. Confusion allowed is protecting man. Atheists end confusion by ending gods. If God brings enlightenment then a person falls into Satan (god of gods), or chooses God. Paganism mixed with what became Judaism to create Gnosticism. If all is God, then creation is God. If creation brings suffering to consciousness then, the God of this manifestation must create suffering. Buddhism solved this by denying the self that is suffering as real. You can’t escape, but god (consciousness) can by escaping from the illusion of “you.” Hinduism says that this you is a mask that god is wearing. If God created creation (as real) and loves us, then paganism can’t be true or suffering is part of love. The former led to the separation between gnostic and orthodox divided upon creation; whether or not it is evil or fallen. If it is fallen, then only God can redeem it as we are created. If Jesus wasn’t God, he failed. If Jesus was a god, then monotheism (Jesus’ claim) fails. The “church” concocted the idea that Jesus is God, his father is God, they are separate, and God is one. God is creator of all things, father of all things. Christ is the logo of God and the logo of creation; logos. The intercession between created and un-created, between seen and un-seen; the name above all names. What the pagans forget is that names are given by God and despite their denial, can be taken away. For God alone gives life, and the other gods are just names.

2x = x^3 - Logic Implies God

If the answer is 0, then the answer is lack of number and the square root of 2 cannot be mathematically reduced for a square root of 2. (Undetermined) If it can and the answer is 1.41421, then by the same rules of math 9 can equal 1. (See below). Math assumes 1 = 1. “Math” is not objective or... the square root of 2 (dialectic tension) is the limit of objectivity for math.

1^3 = 1x1x1 = 1

A^3 = AxAxA = A

A^3 = A
3^3 = 27 = A = 3

27 = 3


1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8 = 36

3 + 6 = 9 = One

The 1 is the seen, and the 9 the unseen. The first and the last. The beginning and the end. These two are one.

In math, two = one. In love, two are one.

√2 = Undetermined
√2 = Irrational (1.41421...)

Irrational numbers, so far, only end with time and are considered “real.”

The irrational is unknown. Agnosticism, atheism, and Gnosticism, are irrational.

The most logical position is the belief in God. To fail to acknowledge God as transcendent of duality and the absolute is illogical. Science presupposes God. Math proves God. Atheism is irrational. Agnosticism is cowardice and Gnosticism is pride.

“The kingdom is in the bosom of the father and the father in the bosom of the son.”

1 in 1 and 1 in 1 =
2 Powers in Heaven

12/8 (Fourthed) = 3/2 = P5 = Love

Two energies: Dark and Light

Dark = Control (confused as power) Light = Love (confused as weakness)

Dark = Control via seperation Light = Control through unification

If the light, right-hand path of Christ is followed then duality (time) is eventually dissolved into love.

If the dark, left-hand path of Satan is followed then duality (time) is sustained.

Hinduism posits eternality of creation.

Christianity posits a beginning and an end.

Christianity committed the logical fallacy of 1=3, and is rationally homogeneous with Hinduism.

Christ is the path from duality into the eternity of love.

The Bible (Catholic)

Old Testament: “Lord/Yahweh” = Satan (King) and “El” = God

New Testament: “Lord/Yahweh” = Jesus
(Lord = Son of God (Father) = King)

The god of the Bible is Satan and is proof of his priests corrupting scriptures to syncretize the words of the prophets for his political campaign. The Old Testament is an attempt to conflate Satan with Yahweh, and then Yahweh with God, to conflate Satan with God. The New Testament is an attempt to conflate Jesus with Yahweh and Yahweh with God in an attempt to conflate Jesus with God. This emergent “Jesus” is Lucifer (Satan as God.)

The God of Jesus is the Father of divinity, El. Jesus is part of Elohim (Divine Family) as Lord of Creation.

Revelation 6:12

“And I saw when he opened the sixth seal, and a great earthquake occurred; and the sun became black as sackcloth made of hair, and the entire moon became as blood...”

Christianity will go blind and mourn. The Jews and Muslims will kill each other. Pagans will lose their minds.

There is a legend in Islam that Muhammad split the moon. In the Bible, El means God. In Arabic, El is Allah. In Mesopotamia, Yah was called Sin and was represented by the moon. The moon also represents the creative (feminine) mind. Christianity, represents the Sun. Islam/Judaism represent the moon. The Pagans represent the Earth.

1/0 = undefined

The absence of number is a different type of thing than number.
This is also a proof against the argument: If God created the universe, then who created God?

God is a different type of thing than something with a beginning and end. The only possible logical answer is undefined. This means that scientific proof for God is logically inconsistent with the scientific method meaning Science can’t know God and cannot discover the origin of matter.

Aristotle’s 3 Laws of Logic

The law of identity. The law of non-contradiction. The law of excluded middle.

There is only one law: The law of identity.

I am. You are. It is.

From this, the other laws are necessary implications that arise only once  distinction of identity has been made.

If something is this, it is not that.

From the “second law,” we see the implication that if something is this and is not that then it is also not both this and that.

One law is “three laws” in one law. The identity or persons of three arise out of logical distinction, but does not change the reality of one. One must equal three or logic is impossible. One equals three only when logic is possible otherwise one equals one.

The law of identity as the Father. The law of non-contradiction as the Son.The law of excluded middle as the Holy Spirit.

God is one.

Revelation 13

The feet and toes of Daniel’s prophecy is Christendom; iron as Rome mixing with clay as worshippers of God. The first beast is “Jesus Christ.” 42 months was his ministry. The second beast is Christianity. A day is a thousand years. The last days of the old system are the last 2000 years. The third day is the return of the King.

Enter Revelation 14.

“Hell” or The Lake of Fire

“Our God is a consuming fire.” A soul’s experience of the eschaton (day of judgment) is related to his being part of the body of Christ. Remember how Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, were walking around in Nebuchadnezzar’s furnace unharmed. The fire purifies the soul. The flesh that was not glorified by Christ (the body/church) will be burned off in annihilation. The conscience is a taste of this fire.